Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's been one year

A whole year has passed since I came to Alaska; it's hard to imagine time has flown so quickly.  Dan, David, and I went out in Dan's boat during work.  It's herring season and that's when Sitka really comes to life.  The fishing season begins with the intense herring openings. Herring seems to be the snack of the sea, so all the other wildlife, like whales and eagles, are out and about.  We were going to try and make it out during one of the fishing openings, but the timing was too hard to manage with work on the house.  When we went out, the department of Fish and Game was doing a herring sampling.  We also saw a very large gathering of bald eagles and a few whales.  We had a good time.
There's Dan taking his famous pictures.  You should become a fan of him on facebook.

This is my picture of the bald eagles as they perched in the trees watching the activity in the ocean, waiting for a good opportunity to nab some fish. Dan got some pictures of when they were feeding, there were at least fifty of them!

I'll write more later!

<3 Joshua