Thursday, April 16, 2009

The variety post

Hello everyone. I was hoping to upload a lot of videos, but I think pictures will have to do for now. We had a day at the pool where we were given Alaska Marine safety training. We wore "Gumby" suits and practiced swimming as a group. The suits are actually the color of Pokey, I was hoping they were going to be green. I really liked Gumby when I was a kid.The day after swimming we went out to a Ropes Course center. The Ropes Course is primarily used for people who are battling addictions and have to learn how to face obstacles and learn to trust others. I'm not battling any addictions and I might be too trusting, so I had no fear.
The Ropes Course was on Saturday, the next day was Easter! I went to the Sitka Lutheran Church again. This time I took pictures of the organ. Last week I was invited to eat waffles at some nice folks' home. After eating waffles with Alaskan huckleberries and blueberries, we went to the Blessing of the Fleet. I was going to make a post showing the Blessing of the Fleet, but I will have to wait till I can upload some videos in a more timely fashion. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, I talked with my new friend, Shirley, and the Pastor and they were saying they will most likely need an organist starting sometime in the summer. They offered me to try out the organ and I did. It is very nice! Quite simple, too. It's not nearly as fancy as my Grandma's organ.The name of it is the Kessler Organ and it was the first pipe organ on the west coast of North America. The organ was manufactured in 1844 in Estonia. When it was shipped to Sitka in 1846, it served the Finnish-Lutheran congregation established in 1840 "on this site."
The beginning of this week started off with lovely weather and I went on a couple hikes. Here is one picture from a hike.

Friday, April 3, 2009

An update and more pictures

I added pictures to the album online. Also by the way, every picture in the blog links to a full-size picture if you click on it. After some research, I updated my post on the herring fishing from Thursday.
Have a good weekend!
<3 Joshua

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Things are rolling right along

My Adidas didn't fit in here, these are known as the "Sitka Sneaker."

I fit in now.

These are the dorms where I live. I found out yesterday there is a piano in the dorm. I am very happy about that. Just so you know, I won't be moving it into my room, I learned my lesson in college. :)

There was an opening for fishing today down in Silver Bay. The Department of Fish and Game selected a location the fifth and final opening for herring fishery. The announcement for a 15-minute fishery was made two hours before the 2:30 starting time by a F&G Biologist over the radio. The boats raced down to the location and dropped their nets. In those 15 minutes they brought in 1,209 tons of fish. I left with the group from the career center to watch the show, however, we went to a wrong location at first and got there just at the end.

We went out to the job site this morning, however, I didn't get any pictures. The house that was built last year has a few things to finish up. Tomorrow, I'll be taking the participants out to a lady's house to do some landscaping.

Have a good Friday!