Thursday, May 14, 2009

Leap of Faith

We were supposed to say what goals we were leaping for and what obstacles in life we were leaving behind. I forgot to plan what I was going to say so all I could think of to say was that I was leaping for pie (or pi really) and leaving behind cake. I was really sad I wasn't able to grab hold of the bar, my hands were so cold, that is my excuse.


  1. josh i tried this at an agency reatreat and nearly crapped my pants. when i reached the top I was telling the people below that i wanted them to sue the crap out of the ropes course owners if i was injured. i did a wussy little jump and didn't even touch the bar, let alone grab it for any amount of time. you don't look scared at all. Pretty awesome man.

  2. I love that video. awesome.
    Oh Joshua...Pi?
